Sunday, July 21, 2013


What is distilled water?  Essentially it's water that has been purified and entirely stripped of trace minerals and various impurities. It is water which has gone through a transformation from its physical state as a liquid into a gas form and then into a liquid again. This is achieved through the process of evaporation, which occurs every day in all types of water. It is the most complete method of purification and is the best type of water to consume (in my opinion as well as countless others). 

In the early days of our fore fathers (Abraham, Moses, and so on) the people drank either rain water, which is a product of natural evaporation, or well water. But because the land has become greatly polluted; chem trails, toxic waste, pollution of the rivers and oceans, we now have to get our water from the super-casket prepacked and sealed. Brothers and sisters let me say this - if you are drinking water from your tap STOP IT IMMEDIATELY. Doing so means you either like rolling the dice with your health, OR you are as nutty as squirrel ish.  Do you have any idea of the types of psychotropic drugs being dumped in the public drinking water? We won't even mention the dangers of fluoride, that's an article in itself, that the elites love to use to keep the masses passive and subdued. (FYI sodium fluoride was used in Russian gulag labor camps to induce sheep like behavior....Google it, I'll wait).

Since most of us in the 'hood' do not own expensive water purification systems, the next logical step is to drink natural water in its purest form. I'm not talking about expensive imported bottled  water. No sir, I'm talking about less than a dollar, good old distilled water that can be found on the shelves at your local pharmacy.  *Get the ones that uses pure steam process and charcoal filters if possible.
The benefits of consuming distilled water are greater than what you can imagine. For instance; if you are struggling to lose weight then a 30 day distilled water diet might just be what you need. Distilled water has no additives, or inorganic materials - or anything for that matter, and it acts as a leeching agent to purge or get rid of toxic metals and impurities in your body. *Now opponents of distilled water will tell you that it takes out vital minerals out of your body. To this I say that water is not and should not be your only source of minerals. Food is where you get your nutrition from. Eat a healthy diet and you'll be okay.

The pH (parts per hydrogen) level of distilled water can be between 5.5 and 7 depending on the process (anything below 7 is considered acidic) but not to worry. The Most High provides us with herbs, vegetables, and plants for medicinal purposes in order to help us heal our bodies. A simple trick is to add a wedge of lemon to your distilled drinking water to boost the pH level. It also improves the health of your digestive system. (For a gallon of distilled water go ahead and add a quartered lemon, sit overnight, or drink right away to your health). If you want to detox then distilled water is the best water for that.

Distilled water is the purest form of water out on the market and if you want to take it to the next level you can purchase a home made water distiller. Now for the people with a few bucks to dish out, they can step their water game up to an Ionizing water purification system such as Kangen water. But remember this blog is for the average Joe, or I should say Jamal, and Jane/Jenelle. For now go cop the distilled water and get on a organic, vegetarian diet. Your body will thank you and you will feel much better. Distilled water is great for the immediate time until you get Alkaline, or Osmosis water. It is a great start on your quest to becoming a healthier person. Remember there are levels to this and for now most of us are at ground zero.

*Please remember to do your daily exercise in addition to drinking distilled water. I don't care if you start with ten push ups a day and work your way up to a hundred. Diet and exercise are the keys to mental health and wealth. 

Follow us on twitter @MaroonWarrior


Tuesday, July 16, 2013


In the words of 2Pac "fu*% Jay Z". Now if I was just to leave it at that then I would be a big ole hater, and truth be told I liked some of scrams music i.e 'Reasonable Doubt', and 'Blue Print'. So I have to back up what I write and think with hip hop facts (not quantifiable, or logical facts) - but hip hop facts. So let's go; here's our top 10 reasons why MCHG aint worth your time or hard earned money.

  • The album sounds rushed as he struggles to keep up lyrically. Its a young man's game now and Jay's braggadocios, look how  much more money I got, style falls short. (Funny cause the hottest rappers do the same ish). 
  • No cohesiveness to the album. It sounds like a bunch of singles sewn together from a rich celebrity's thread. Tracks like FuckwithmeyouknowIgotit with Ricky Ross, and Tom Ford are club bangers; discussing how rich two black men are (even though the context is ambiguous as a lesbian dressed in drag). *I like the 'I don't pop molly I wear Tom Ford' line cause I'm drug free and the young dudes coming up need to stay away from drugs that make you have sex with both men, women, children, animals, etc - that's so wrong on so many levels. Then you have songs like SomewhereinAmerica that should be on a damn free mix tape. Twerk, Miley, twerk?? What the fuck was on your mind homie??? (For the record Miley Cyrus is not and never will be popping in the hood).
  • The beats are suspect. There are a few stand outs in my opinion; like F.U.T.W, Picasso Baby, and La Familia (even though some white boy from Hot97 name Rosenburg hated the latter - I guess he knows his shit???). Those beats bring that gritty NY edge back. Beats for Bbc, and Crown ehhh not so much.
  • That esoteric, I am a god, Freemason, Illuminati shit is over the top now. If you wanted to fool black people keep it overt. But on Heaven when you say 'I'm secular tell the heckler settle down, your religion cause division like my Maybach partition' we get the picture dude. You don't believe in The Most High God and would rather sacrifice a baby to a hermaphrodite goat god name baphomet - that's your business buddy, just don't expect us to follow. You on your own with that bro. So what do you believe in; self and money from what I'm hearing. (Psalms 53:1 for us poor folk).
  • The marketing effort was way more superior than the overall album. For that reason people feel duped. Just ask my dude from World Star he'll tell you like it is; 'that shit light'...lmbao.
  • His selection of tracks for the final cut was probably overseen by him and a few close friends who dare not disagree with J so as a result we the listeners, and some of you fan(atic)s, are left with this overly hyped compost pile.
  • What's up with the art work??? Okay I feel you, you're in an art phase as can be clearly seen and heard with references to Picasso and Basquait. Abstract or yearning to be accepted by the elite and to show the hood he's now there? How can the urban youth connect?
  • The name is a throw off. How many niggas and ratchet hoes (not conscious so-called black and Hispanic people) can explain to each other or their nigglet chillun what the Magna Carta is and how it relates to their legacy and generation? What's that, J is teaching them history or its a play on words...righhhhht uh-huh.
  • Personally I liked the old Jay Z flow. At times he switches up in order to sound relevant and fails miserably. Explain the huh...huh...huh every two or three bars. But, I was rudely told to go buy the old albums. Can't fight that one. I need to evolve and change with him. I'm sorry I aint buying that. If I want to evolve I'll listen to the younger somewhat conscious and talented artists like a J Cole (signed to his Roc label by the way).
  • Drum roll please; MCHG was a so-so decent album but coming from Hova it was sub par at best. Damn sure wasn't a Blueprint or Black Album. If you want that you gotta go cop them or download them for FREE.
 And by the way 1 million copies copped by Samsung before the album hit mainstream outlets like iTunes, and so on does not count. That's akin to me writing a book and buying a million copies myself. Technology has changed the  rules no questions about it, but at what cost. We know it is becoming increasingly harder and harder to go platinum compared to a few years ago (back in the day young scrappy). Fast forward to now and everybody and their mamma can download the ish for FREEEEEE, so what do you do? Come up with a crazy marketing plan. The problem arises when Mr Carter's marketing campaign was well thought of and executed than the damn music itself.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


In the over saturated music game its refreshing to hear a different flow from a young buck's perspective who is on the grind and carving his own niche. J Cole's second offering is a break from the same ole same ole but with an asterisk. The reason why I mentioned an asterisk is that dude still throws in the niggerish shit that niggas do (especially rappers/athletes/entertainers) but you can tell he clearly has skills and intelligence to fly over that trap..but hey I'm asking for too much so I should just STFU and enjoy the music right?
The radio friendly joint with Michelle, I mean Miguel, 'Power trip' is alright; "got me up all night, constant drinking and love songs" you know the rest. 'Crooked Smile' is a well balanced attempt to actually say something about the hell black folks dealing with while  smiling. But for me I want lyrics and music I can ruminate on, and get my 5k run on...feel me. 
'Miss America' goes in on a militant level, and 'Rich Niggaz' speaks on the money trap we're all chasing. One of my favorite tracks is 'Chaining Day' talking bout how pathetic niggaz are in icing out a white image of Jesus. (Its funny the real Jesus wasn't materialistic or white for that matter. He entered Jerusalem on a donkey Matt 21:1-11, how humble and meek was that compared to these idolators violating each other for stones, metals, and paper.) "the way people perceive, money short so this jewelry like a weave meant to deceive."
Then he goes off on some sacrilegious bullsh@t with 'Let Nas down' saying "Pac was like Jesus and Big wrote the bible". Nobody's perfect and this kid aint. He has a nice flow with relevant topics, but needs to get up under from the NY influence that have him infusing occult ideologies and images (his album art) into his music and persona. All I have to say is two words 'The Roc' and you know what I'm talking about.
All and all its a decent album compared to that Arab turned gangsta named French Montana (that's another topic). It's worth listening to; even if you have to skip a few tracks. 


The Maroons were men and women who ran away from the bondage and misery of slavery and waged guerrilla warfare against their captors. They exemplified fierce fighting skills and exceptional bravery in the face of mounting odds. They made their homes in the dense jungles and rain forests of South America, the mountainous regions of the Caribbean Islands, and as far north as the swamps of Florida, and westward of the plains of Texas. 
Always outnumbered and always outgunned, the Maroons instinct for survival forged the idea and thought that "FREEDOM IS A MUST".
Now is the new millennium and we are in a new age and people are still slaves. The war is on for the control of the conscious mind. We do what we do by gathering information,  relevant news clips, posts, music, and health news to use as mental weapons. The rest is up to you.


Price heart is an urban drama dealing with greed, lust, loyalty, and sacrifice. Set in New York, and the beaches of the Caribbean, it details one man's love for one woman, and his lust for another that has dire consequences. With one foot in the door of organized crime and the other planted in the legitimate business world, Judah Price comes up with a plan to walk away with the money. His co-conspirator in the deadly scheme is Angeloux, his attractive and conniving business partner. The sadistic duo involve an unsuspecting local girl in their plans but did not anticipate the chaos that ensued when the plot backfires. The gritty story will grow on you like a second skin and keep you glued to the pages all the way to the end.

Get your signed copy of Price Heart with a surprise gift when you order now.


What's new in this flick about zombies, bio - warfare, and survival??? Nothing much when you break it down to the basics. To sum it all up; its 'I am legend' meets 'Contagion' with a slightly bigger budget. The storyline itself is entertaining, if you're into the post apocalyptic, zombie genre, a la 'Walking Dead' hype . A UN military agent finds himself at ground zero when a deadly virus spreads across the city, then nation and soon world, at lightening speed. In a race against time he must find the cure to save his family and all mankind. His quests takes him around the world to parts of Africa, the Middle East, and Europe while fighting zombies who fear nothing and bite everything. Throw in some CGI and Brad Pitt and boom,  World War Z. 
The plot, though at times predictable, had me somewhat amused for the first hour...then trailed off into a weak rip off of other humans-turn-zombies-because-of-virus  movies. I'll let you see it if you don't want to wait for the DVD, but personally it made me want to watch 'I am Legend' again. (The second adaptation of the same titled novel The Omega Man with Charlton Heston wasn't that bad either).  
I'm seeing a trend here as writer Max Brooks, son of Mel Brooks, lays on the elite agenda like primer before a paint job on a banged up hoopty. The world is over populated, we need the UN to save us, and on and on. If you pay attention closely you can point out the Illuminati maxims that are hidden in plain sight. It's rife with symbolism, so on that note its worth a watch. But I still say wait for the DVD or PBay it.
Yes the world is coming to an end..the sheep need beer.


This section of our blog will focus on all natural, organic, and vegetarian foods for people who want to transition out of their current state of unhealthy toxic food consumption. It will give reviews on affordable alternatives to what is being pushed on us in the conventional 'super-casket' stores as good food. Be very clear that we are not health experts nor do we in any way claim to treat or cure any diseases. What we will be doing is food comparisons, analysis, breakdowns, and if necessary, warnings and tips of what to eat and what not to eat to achieve mental and physical wealth. As usual, our blog will be universal but geared to the urban reader as they are the ones in dire need of help. A wise man once said 'They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick...' (Mark 2:17 KJV).

So, to set this thing off right we added a pic of a homemade meal that is nutritious, delicious, and affordable. Enjoy, and remember to share any recipes or ideas that you have.

Organic baked beans, peppers, shallots, broccoli, and noodles


Personally speaking I display what is commonly known in the psychology field as a passive aggressive personality. (I either fully engage and outwardly participate in a social setting, relationship, or interact within my own community, or I withdraw altogether). I don't see what the problem is because half the people or the environment that I withdraw from aren't worth engaging any damn way. Why is it such a big deal? I guess from the other person's perspective it can be frustrating; whether it's family, friend, wife, or coworker. But hey, that's life. Some people say its a narcissistic approach to communicating and expressing oneself. It is and I make no apologies. Add to that I am also an Alpha male (one possessing domineering characteristics coupled with a belligerent outlook) and society might label me as a threat who needs "help".  I say fuck society. The only threat I pose is to the establishment that wants me, or people like me, to confirm to their way of thinking. If "they" can't define "me" or control "me" then "they" want to label "me" and do away with "me". What I'm getting at is the demonizing, ostracizing, and social castration of the dominant male figure who see's the coming storm on the horizon. This especially holds true in the Black and Hispanic community. If you have a problem with this then this blog "aint for you". You can go close this tab, click the left arrow to leave, or just go away. For the rest of you read on.

     As you know already society is moving at lightening speed to an all inclusive androgynous way of life where traditional roles of men and women are blurred constantly. This shit will not stop but get progressively worse. On top of that young black males are not being taught any life affirming social skills or work skills for that matter. As a father of a son that troubles me deeply. (Fathers with daughters have more cause to be alarmed. I will touch on that in an upcoming post but for now lets deal with the males). We are fucked up as a community and you don't need me to reiterate that but what's worse is the fact that through social media, movies, music, advertising, athletes, politicians, entertainers and other public figures we have become numb to the bullshit. Men are being taught that we don't count; all we are are sperm donors and a paycheck. We are portrayed as weak, dumb, gullible, and tools to be used at society's discretion. Anyone who disagrees is living their lives with their eyes wide shut. This Babylonian society is upside down and way out of control. It's as if the Matrix caught a virus and it infected the operating system and in turn corrupted all of its files. We are all caught up in the web of deceit and  lies but as far as I see it some shit is just more fucked up than others. (You can re-prioritize them at your own leisure but cannot with a sober mind discredit them.)
 Here are a few things to pay close attention to:

1) Complete failure and replacement of the American dollar - turn off the goddamn BET, VH1, bread and circus NFL, MLB, NBA games for one minute and watch what's going on in Europe, Africa, and Asia. It is a prelude to what is coming to the shores of the U.S. of A. (Christ told us to watch and pray - Mark 13:33-37 and he didn't mean Love and Hip hop.)

2) Genetically Modified Organisms - already in vast distribution and consumed by the masses. This silent killer (along with mandatory vaccines) is a major cause of most of our health problems. Along with our messed up diet.

3) Mind control - some of our sheeple don't even know that they are being controlled to think a certain way and accept a certain animal like behavior as the norm. (This goes back to our public figures and "role models" that the elite/enlightened ones paid off to lead them astray - Jeremiah 23:1).

4) Mandatory implanting of a Microchip (RF-ID technology) to track us. This is clearly spoken of  in Revelation 13:16-18. By the way, the President signed a law that was attached to his healthcare bill, which calls for just such a thing. Research it for yourself and you will see. He was selected to do the will of his masters and doesn't give a damn about you so-called Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans. So why we do hold him up as some type of god or messianic figure? I digress.

5) The mass round up, detention, and ultimate extermination of millions of people who do not go along with the program. Even if you do cooperate and sell your soul they will still kill you just to bring the population down to a controllable level. Stock piling of weapons won't help because since the new laws passed because of the false flag of Sandy Hook everyone who owns or purchases a weapon will be among the first to go.

     Knowing all this, what should your mentality be like? (2Peter 3:11). I know as a man you shouldn't be a feminine, estrogen laden, unintelligent, lazy, weak, feeble minded, pants sagging, gay, on the "low", Godless, savage, nigga. Basically exactly the state of mind that we so-called blacks are in right now. If we are dependent on the government for food, clothing, and shelter we are in serious trouble. Obeezy can't and won't save you my "nigga". A spiritual Alpha-male with survival skills are the only ones who stand a chance in the coming global tribulation. And even then only The Most High will choose who will make it or not. These are serious times we are living in brethren and a lot of our people are going to perish Katrina style (remember that)...mark my words. It would behoove you, if you haven't done so, to watch the sign of the times and prepare yourself and family (if worthy, some deserve death plain and simple).

So in summary, now is not the time to listen to society and shun the strong male figure who is the real backbone of the family.  A man should be commended on his wisdom (Proverbs 12:8) - not his bank account, cars, tattoos, endorsements, how many baby mamas, or any other vain worldly crap. We "been crossed" the Rubicon, for the ones who even care, so lets move wisely.

Want a taste of the future? Check out these movies as the government (in bed with holly-weird) shows the people of the coming tribulation.
The Handmaids Tale, The Road, Book of Eli, 1984, I am legend, I-Robot, Minority Report, Repo Men, A.I, Terminator (series), Matrix (series), 2001 A Space Odyssey, Resident Evil, The Hunger Games, The Siege, Contagion, 12 Monkeys, They Live, Children of Men, and many more.

G. Nelson
Staff writer