What is distilled water? Essentially it's water that has been purified and entirely stripped of trace
minerals and various impurities. It is water which has gone through a
transformation from its physical state as a liquid into a gas form and
then into a liquid again. This is achieved through the process of
evaporation, which occurs every day in all types of water. It is the
most complete method of purification and is the best type of water to consume (in my opinion as well as countless others).
In the early days of our fore fathers (Abraham, Moses, and so on) the people drank either rain water, which is a product of natural evaporation, or well water. But because the land has become greatly polluted; chem trails, toxic waste, pollution of the rivers and oceans, we now have to get our water from the super-casket prepacked and sealed. Brothers and sisters let me say this - if you are drinking water from your tap STOP IT IMMEDIATELY. Doing so means you either like rolling the dice with your health, OR you are as nutty as squirrel ish. Do you have any idea of the types of psychotropic drugs being dumped in the public drinking water? We won't even mention the dangers of fluoride, that's an article in itself, that the elites love to use to keep the masses passive and subdued. (FYI sodium fluoride was used in Russian gulag labor camps to induce sheep like behavior....Google it, I'll wait).
Since most of us in the 'hood' do not own expensive water purification systems, the next logical step is to drink natural water in its purest form. I'm not talking about expensive imported bottled water. No sir, I'm talking about less than a dollar, good old distilled water that can be found on the shelves at your local pharmacy. *Get the ones that uses pure steam process and charcoal filters if possible.
The benefits of consuming distilled water are greater than what you can imagine. For instance; if you are struggling to lose weight then a 30 day distilled water diet might just be what you need. Distilled water has no additives, or inorganic materials - or anything for that matter, and it acts as a leeching agent to purge or get rid of toxic metals and impurities in your body. *Now opponents of distilled water will tell you that it takes out vital minerals out of your body. To this I say that water is not and should not be your only source of minerals. Food is where you get your nutrition from. Eat a healthy diet and you'll be okay.
The pH (parts per hydrogen) level of distilled water can be between 5.5 and 7 depending on the process (anything below 7 is considered acidic) but not to worry. The Most High provides us with herbs, vegetables, and plants for medicinal purposes in order to help us heal our bodies. A simple trick is to add a wedge of lemon to your distilled drinking water to boost the pH level. It also improves the health of your digestive system. (For a gallon of distilled water go ahead and add a quartered lemon, sit overnight, or drink right away to your health). If you want to detox then distilled water is the best water for that.
Distilled water is the purest form of water out on the market and if you want to take it to the next level you can purchase a home made water distiller. Now for the people with a few bucks to dish out, they can step their water game up to an Ionizing water purification system such as Kangen water. But remember this blog is for the average Joe, or I should say Jamal, and Jane/Jenelle. For now go cop the distilled water and get on a organic, vegetarian diet. Your body will thank you and you will feel much better. Distilled water is great for the immediate time until you get Alkaline, or Osmosis water. It is a great start on your quest to becoming a healthier person. Remember there are levels to this and for now most of us are at ground zero.
*Please remember to do your daily exercise in addition to drinking distilled water. I don't care if you start with ten push ups a day and work your way up to a hundred. Diet and exercise are the keys to mental health and wealth.
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